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Friday, June 27, 2014

Are You a Rebel?

I am typically a pretty well-behaved person and I follow most of the rules. Just ask my husband, he makes fun of me because I won’t cross an intersection if it doesn’t say it is "ok" to walk! For the 2 times a year that I cook, I follow the recipes word-for-word, no substituting going on here!  I am one of those people that read through the instructions to make sure that I use whatever it is properly.

Rule follower for sure…except when it comes to dieting. When someone tells me I can’t have something it triggers something inside of me and my first reaction is, oh yeah? Watch me!!!!! After I had Brooklynn I decided it would be a good idea to try a fitness bootcamp where they are up in your face while you do push-ups and other workouts. This was SERIOUS people; I wore a weighted vest and had to yell out cadences while wearing war paint!!!! Anyway, the diet plan for this was NO dairy, bread, soda, or pasta! I did great at the workouts, but because my stubborn ass wouldn’t stick to the diet plan, I didn’t get the results I could have. Such a rebel!!! Are you a rebel like me? How is that working out for you? It sure as hell hasn’t worked out for me in the past. Good thing I am not on a diet and have chosen to call it a lifestyle change or who knows how bad I could screw up????

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I've failed at every diet and finally the only thing that has worked for me is making it my life and not depriving myself. I called it "lateral shifts". If I'm craving ice cream, I make frozen banana "ice cream". It doesn't taste the same, but it satisfies. :)
