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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Baby Steps!!!

Age has never been a big deal to me and I have never really dreaded hitting big age milestones, because let’s be honest, I am lucky to be alive. However, when I hit 30, something happened. My give-a-shitter totally broke. I have always been up and down with my weight since I went to college…never really changed my eating habits I had, but they never affected me until I wasn’t playing sports anymore or being active like I was growing up. Usually, I would have gotten tired of the weight I gained and started some fad diet….lost the weight…..then SURPRISE! I would gain it all back. Then I hit 30 and just stopped caring about losing the weight (give-a-shitter broke). I know some people would blame it on having kids, but, hello!?!?!?! My daughter is 7 and my son is 1, so can’t use that one. Not like I can hide it or lie about why I am so out of shape…pretty sure anyone can figure it out! In case you live on another planet or you are still waiting for that magic pill to be invented, here is why I am like I am:

1. Eating crap food and more than enough of it-never looking at calories or labels!

2. Not working out on a regular basis (sitting at a desk all day)

3. EXCUSES…you know what they say, “excuses are like ass holes and everyone has one”.

Need I say more?

Along with my give-a-shitter being broken my procrastination has hit an all-time high. For example, I had this blog designed several months ago, but haven’t posted, because that would mean I would be held accountable and would actually have to try. I am not sure what happened to me, but I am sure someone out there may feel just like me. 

So, why do I even have this blog? I have this blog so I can come here to vent, bitch, and complain every baby step of the way to becoming healthier. I get sick of reading all the fluffy stuff on the internet and how lovely everything is going and I conquered the world blah….blah….blah!!

I am a blunt-real life-no nonsense-glass half empty (most of the time) kind of person. So I won’t sugar coat anything on this blog. I could really care less if anyone reads it, I just want a place where I can document everything and then maybe look back later and feel good about moving in SOME direction. 

So maybe you would want to read this blog if you:

·         Want to punch people that have never had an issue with weight
·         Have tried at least 3 diets
·         Don’t have a gym membership
·         LOVE to eat
·         HATE to cook
·         Haven’t wore shorts in years
·         Wear sweats 85% of the time
·         Want to punch people that skip meals
·        Want to punch people that consider fruit a dessert
·         Have considered wiring your mouth closed
·         Have ever hid treats or food and then eaten them in a secret place….alone!!!
·         Oh and hid the wrapper or any trace of your treat (referring to above)
·         Have a variety of sizes in your closet, but can only wear a small group at a time

Cheers to baby steps, even if it takes 3 years to get to my goal!!!!


  1. I am so with you lady! I have lost a great amount and poof it's back + 10. I am ready to prove to myself that I can do it for real and keep it off, just gotta wrap my brain around it.

    I for one am excited to follow your blig

    1. I am so happy that you relate and I am not the only one out there ;) Thanks for reading!!

  2. Girl how do I follow this blog? Love it!

    1. Hi Gygi!!! You can follow by going on the right side at the bottom off the blog and click follow. You can also follow the FB page ;)

  3. This is gygi btw not my hubby james

  4. I love you! This is Awesome! My closet has a million sizes and I wear small groups at a time!! I know how you are feeling, I look forward to reading!

    1. You are already off to a great start!! Inspired by the way you challenge yourself!!

  5. OMG I love it Tricia!! I turn 30 a week from Sunday and I'm freaking out a little bit... I will go on this journey with u all the way!! Let's grab life by the balls!!!

    1. Yes!!!! I am so excited you are with me girl!! Cheers to our 30's!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well I'm well over 30 but I know exactly how you feel. I have been on one diet or another since I was 14!! I have often questioned,"why did I have to be born with the metabolism of a snail?" I would also like to go through this journey with you.

    1. Love that you want to come on this journey with me!!! Seems like we all have so much in common ;)
